just k

Gambling Of Another Sort...

I am sitting in the airport in Madison waiting to board my flight to Minneapolis. Once there, I will be going on to Las Vegas. Am I going on a fun trip to Vegas to lie in the sun by day and gamble by night you ask? Not quite. I’m on my way to the Las Vegas Market, gambling in another sort of way.

I’m going to check out what the Las Vegas Market (a wholesale gathering of thousands of companies that sell gift and home accessories to shops across the country) has that we might want to put in Sisters. In years past Suz and I have visited Philadelphia, Atlanta, Chicago and most recently, Minneapolis in search of goodies.

I am literally flying solo this time, Suz opting to “hold down the fort” while I go “gamble” on new items that we hope will sell well in the shop. Just like at the slot machines, we hope to “win” by finding things that you won’t be able to live without!

So do you see what I mean about gambling of another sort? You spend your money, hoping for a good return (so you can go again and spend more) but quite honestly, I hope I am better at shopping for Sisters than most folks are at the slot machines, otherwise I probably should have stayed home…k


January 23,2016

Posted 432 weeks ago