just k

More Projects...

Oh dear….its been more than 3 months since I’ve written anything. In my “defense”, I got a little backed up with life!!! Allan had surgery to replace the bottom half of his nine year old knee replacement because it broke ( only he would have that happen), I’ve been trying to finish up my house projects (one room to go) and it seems as though I’ve been spending a lot of time on store “stuff”. Translation: between one thing and another, I was tired!

With Allan now on the mend, most of the house done and catching up a bit at the store, I should be good to go until the next time I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could all feel comfortable taking a break from things when we’re feeling like we just can’t get it all done? Instead we tend to feel guilty that we need to take a step back and regroup. Of course in my case, I’m my own worst enemy as I’m admittedly a workaholic. I also like my home to be clean (dusty doesn’t count as dirty) and for the most part, things picked up and put away.

I think my next goal should be sitting on the sofa, relaxing, while going through my big stack of magazines I haven’t taken the time to look at over the last couple of months. The trouble with that is, I know I’m going to find more projects that I “need” to try…k


May 23, 2016

Posted 415 weeks ago