just k

A Little Payback...

It’s eleven p.m. and I’m not quite ready for bed. I am one of those people who have trouble shutting off my brain at night so I can go to sleep. I think about the things I didn’t get done that I planned to do, the things I should try to do tomorrow, things I would like to try to improve at the store, things I need to finish that I’ve been working on at home…..(kind of sounds like I never get anything done), round and round everything goes in my head. I think it’s a “woman thing”, not being able to sleep. It seems as though there should be a switch on the side of your head that you can just shut off!

And then there’s Allan. He goes upstairs almost every night by eight (and gets up every morning at five). I swear he is not in bed 10 minutes and he is out, snoring away for the night. Many is the night I lay in bed, (in a room down the hall no less) debating between listening to endless snooorrring and going back downstairs to watch tv. He is usually oblivious to my sleeplessness and doesn’t understand how anyone could possibly struggle to fall asleep. I think it’s a “man thing”, being able to fall asleep so easily.

Interesting isn’t it, the differences between men and women. He sleeps, I don’t. He likes driving his big truck, I can’t get that thing in or out of the garage. I like “the hunt” when looking for something for the house, he thinks you should buy the first thing you see that will work. I like guessing (out loud) how a tv show or movie will end, (it drives Al nuts when I do that), Al wants quiet. I could go on but I’m pretty sure you get the picture.

Oh, and just between you and me, driving Al nuts by talking during TV shows is only a little payback for all that snoring…k


July 3, 2015

Posted 460 weeks ago