just k

Flower Fix...

I’ve been “away” for awhile. “Away” as in, not putting pen to paper or whatever you say when you write on a computer instead on paper. My excuse is that I have been working some extra days at the store so my brain has been in the “I’m tired” mode. Things are hopefully getting back to normal (whatever that is) so here I am.

With the days slowly but surely getting longer it’s time to think about getting our yard in shape. When we moved back to New Glarus last June, we concentrated on getting a garage built (whose number one priority do you think that was), putting in a first floor bathroom and doing some work in the kitchen, all of which left us with not much time to do any yard work.

I am a flower lover and we have none with the exception of a few iris so I am anxious to get some planted. I prefer to plant perennials even though initially they cost more (but you only have to pay and plant once) and then use annuals in my planters & pots on my porch. Like so many other things in life, the variety of flowers to choose from is almost overwhelming. I have my favorites like peonies, hydrangeas and lilacs but they can take awhile to grow so I will go for some others that are a bit quicker to bloom so that I can enjoy those while the others get established.

So next week I will wind my way through the paths at Brenda’s Blumenladen here in New Glarus where there is an abundance of flowers, bulbs, bushes and seeds to choose from and get to work in my yard so I can get my “flower fix” every day of the week…k


May 5, 2015

Posted 471 weeks ago